The money continues to pour in to see President Obama be a one term president. The report is that Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson has made another huge campaign contribution. The number is crazy as Adelson is donating $10 million to the campaign activities of billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch. Adelson has already contributed $10 million to a super political action committee, Restore Our Future, and $5 million to each of two organizations promoting House Republicans. This is not the first bite as he is way in, during the GOP presidential primary, Adelson and members of his family gave $21 million to a super PAC promoting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. If this guy was playing at one of the tables in his casino he would be shut off as it is one thing to throw $21M on Newt but then to double down on Mitt is a true test to his understanding the country is headed in the wrong direction and putting your money behind it. The top executives of Wichita, Kansas based Koch Industries Inc., Charles and David Koch founded the small-government, anti-tax group Americans for Prosperity. Koch Industries has more than 60,000 employees worldwide and $110 billion in annual revenues, with interests that include oil refineries, fertilizer, chemicals, paper and pollution-control equipment.
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